Coming Soon...

Lots of things are coming soon.  The site will have a new look soon, and the emphasis will shift from recording to performing.  A new album is in the works with John Romagnoli Gaku Takanashi, myself, and the transcendently transplendant Debbie Hayman on vocals.  Oh, and if you want to hear the music on the main page, you now have to click on the songs to get them to play.  I don't want to drown out the rare video now featured on the main page of myself and Cleve Douglass performing on Colin Huggins's piano in the park: he calls himself "the crazy piano guy" and has the press clippings and news features to substantiate that, but after having met him I don't think he's crazy at all.  Quite the contrary.  Look him up, because he's a true performance artist with an over-the-top dedication to his vision. 

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